Save the Date April 5th & 6th 2024




Equity, Diversity and Representation for Women in Filmmaking

Meet a dynamic panel of industry professionals who will discuss their personal journey, the future of filmmaking for Women, and career advice for all emerging filmmakers. 

LFF Jury

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Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

Jury Firstname Lastname

Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

Jury Firstname Lastname

Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

Jury Firstname Lastname

Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

Jury Firstname Lastname

Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

Jury Firstname Lastname

Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

Jury Firstname Lastname

Detail about jury. Detail about jury. Detail about jury.

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